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23-26 settembre 2003

Mai così numerosa la delegazione della FIAB a Velocity

Vi parteciperanno: Luigi Riccardi, Lello Sforza, Antonio Dalla Venezia, Luisa Trigila, Bianca Rocchi, Maurizio Baruffi (Consigliere comunale di Milano e socio di CICLOBBY Fiab), Riccardo Canesi (Ruota Libera di Massa e
Un sentito ringraziamento ad ANCMA che, come di consueto, contribuisce a questa partecipazione che è occasione - oltre che di approfondimento dei temi previsti dal ricchissimo cartellone - per utili contatti con la dirigenza di European Cyclists' Federation, ECF, della quale FIAB è parte e con delegati alla Conferenza provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Cos'è Velocity?

Velocity è un grande convegno organizzato dall'ECF ogni due anni in diversi Paesi Europei. Il prossimo si terrà a Parigi dal 23 al 26 settembre 2003. Pubblichiamo il primo annuncio (in Inglese), ricordando che è possibile trovare più notizie (aggiornate) sul sito: sia in Inglese che in Francese.

the world's greatest cycle congress !

23-26 September 2003 - PARIS, France

"The Bicycle, an essential tool for winning the city back"

The bicycle, we're convinced, is a solution for the future. Citizens are getting more aware of it. Measures are being put into place everywhere. Planning and engineering techniques are well known. It only remains for us to turn intentions into reality. The bicycle still has to win back its place among the most enduring tools for city development, and, particularly large city developments like Paris.

At this 14th issue of Velo-city, we shall discuss:

  • City planning

  • Transport

  • Laws and regulations

  • Strategies and results

How far have we got and what really works!
What kind of city are the citizens dreaming of ?
What kind of city would we like to create for the future?
Wherein can the bicycle play its part?

Presented work will need to be evaluated according its relevance. We hope that delegates will share experience, provide feedback through projects whether good or poor. Priority will be given to projects carried out work completed.

The topics

The Velo-City Paris 2003 conference motto is :

"The Bicycle as an essential tool for winning the city back".

It includes 5 main topics.

Conference topics

1- Established facts: bicycle use today

1.1* The bicycle as opposed to the use of one's own car or other means of transport (worldwide).

1.2 * The bicycle's place : from villages to large cities.

1.3 * The economics and social role of the bicycle: for local development, and professional uses,
in the North and in the South.

1.4 * Urban-Cycling, Cycling as a Sport, an harmony between these uses or clash of purpose ?

2- The future, the vision, the aim: a more friendly city

2.1 * Life projects, city projects, society projects: can we be longing for bicycles?

2.2 * The Bicycle, a tool for winning back the future city won back by its inhabitants.

(Public space, life space: new equilibrium; travel and urban forms: bicycles in sprawled and automobile-oriented cities)

3- Integrating the bicycle in comprehensive politics

3.1 * The bicycle in comprehensive policies with land-use, transport, environment, tax, tourism.

3.2 * Legal, regulatory and tax tools, for bicycle development.

3.3 * The bicycle in travel plans for urban areas: implementation, assessment.

3.4 * Bicycle and intermodality : links with the others means of transport.

(Enclosed : park-and-ride or bike-and-ride; contribution of the new information technology)

4 - Strategies: methods and alliances

4.1 * Doubling up with other means of transport: bus, tramway, train, pedestrians, roller-skating, car-sharing.

4.2 * Why and how limiting the automobile use and space in the cities ?

4.3 * Health and bicycle. Fighting sedentarity beginning at primary school.

4.4 * Bicycle for everybody: children, elderly persons, disabled persons…

4.5 * Tourism and bicycle.

5- Efficient implementation

5.1 * The democratic process of decision at different levels of government (from municipalities to the European Union), and the role of the user groups.

5.2 * Technical standards, officers awareness, training for planners and engineers.

5.3 * Communication, "great events", images of bicycle in advertising.

5.4. * Changing attitudes: how to develop a "bike-culture" in any aspect of everyday life ?

Who are we ?

The jury members:

Jean-René Carré, Researcher, National Institute for Research on Transportation and Safety, France. Chairman

Robert Boivin, Vice-Director of GroupeVélo, Montréal, Canada

Tilman Bracher, Difu, Berlin Urban Planning Institute, Germany

Philippe Cauvin, Engineer, Chief for General Studies, Ville de Paris, France

Andy Clarke, Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals, Washington DC, USA

Mary Crass, Environmental affairs, CEMT, OECD

Patrick Frenay, Planner-Engineer, Agora, Brussels, Belgium

Philippe Gasser, Planner-Engineer, Citec, Geneva, Switzerland

Olly Hatch, Director of Velocity, London, UK

Jean-Michel Herry, deputy director of technical departments, Ville de Lorient, France

Christian Jacob, Engineer, Paris Region Urban Planning Institute, France

Arantxa Julien, Urban Planner, A-J consultant, Namur, Belgium

Thomas Krag, Consultant, Copenhagen, Denmark

Geneviève Laferrère, Engineer, Study Center on Networks, Transport, Urban Planning and Public Building, Lyon, France

Isabelle Lesens, Vélo-Conseil, Director of Velo-city 2003, Paris, France

Francis Pacaud, Engineer, deputy chief for General Studies,, Ville de Paris, France

Francis Papon, Dr, Researcher, National Institute for Research on Transportation and Safety, France

Maurizio Tira, Professor, Brescia University, Italy

Philippe Vallouis, Environment and Energy Management Agency, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Dominique Von der Mühl, Architect-Planner, Federal Polytechnic School, Lausanne, Switzerland

Erl Wilkie, MBE, Director of Velo-city 2001, Glasgow, UK

Some experts may be invited on specific topics.

Organisers and partners:

Paris Municipality, RATP (Paris Public Transport Authority), SNCF (French National Railways), Paris Region Council, ARENE (Paris Region Agency for Environment and New Energies ), French Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Housing, Tourism and Sea, French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, French Ministry of Sports, ADEME (Agency for Environment and Energy Management), French Chamber of Cycle Professionals, Paris Tourist Office, the Club of Bicycle Friendly Cities , MDB (Paris Bicycle Advocacy Group), FUBicy (French Federation of Bicycle User Groups), FNAUT (French Federation of Transport User Groups),

Velo-city is an organisation of ECF (European Cyclists' Federation).

Also scheduled:

Hidden Paris by bike, world two-wheelers exhibition ... aimed both at professionals and at the general public, at the centre of Paris. Technical visits in Paris and in the region, in several French cities and regions.
Come and discover the excellent, inventive or original, anyway diverse cycling facilities created in our country !

Velo-city, Mairie de Paris, DVD, 40 rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris. France.

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